What Can I Expect From Trigger Point Injections?

What Can I Expect From Trigger Point Injections?

doctor giving patient trigger point injection on back

Trigger point injections (TPI) have become increasingly popular for those looking for more natural pain management. If you are living with chronic muscle pain and are looking for minimally-invasive treatments, you may have seen or heard of chiropractors injecting a liquid into a patient’s muscles in order to treat pain in a specific area.

Why do I have this sharp pain in my muscle? Do trigger point injections really work? What can I expect when I get this treatment? We know you have many similar questions about this muscle pain treatment and its effectiveness in relieving acute and chronic pain. 

This detailed article explains the reason behind trigger point pain and how trigger point injections can offer instant and long-lasting relief. We’ll even tell you some tips you can use to prevent developing trigger points and experiencing excruciating muscle pain.

What Are Trigger Points and Why Do They Form?

Trigger points are small, highly sensitive muscle knots present within a muscle that can cause pain and discomfort. They are most commonly found in the back, buttocks, and neck, however, these points can affect almost any muscle in any body part. 

Those who suffer from trigger points can experience muscle spasms, pain, and weakness that might spread to other areas of the body. Some patients even report migraines, headaches, and eye pain. 

While manual labor is the primary cause of trigger points forming in the muscles, there are a variety of other contributors as well. These include:

Overuse Of Muscles 

One study described how repetitive motions and overuse of certain muscle groups could lead to the formation of trigger points. 

It also showed that individuals who engage in repetitive motions, such as typing or playing a musical instrument, are more likely to develop trigger points in the specific muscles that are performing the repetitive motion. 


Acute trauma or injury to a muscle can cause the formation of a trigger point. Injuries such as strains, sprains, and fractures can cause damage to the muscle fibers, which ultimately might lead to trigger points.

Individuals who have suffered a sports-related injury or have had surgery are more likely to develop these small muscle knots. The pain caused by injury-induced trigger points can be more severe than the trigger points caused by overuse. 


Muscle damage and overuse aren’t the only reasons behind trigger points, stress is also a major contributor. Emotional stress can result in increased muscle tension and may accelerate the formation of trigger points.

When we are under stress, our bodies release hormones that cause our muscles to tense up, which might lead to the formation of an active trigger point.

Postural Imbalances

Poor posture or postural imbalances can increase the stress on muscles resulting in the formation of trigger points. When we sit or stand in the same position for extended periods of time, certain muscle groups become overworked, and small muscle knots start forming as the muscle integrity deteriorates. 

Tigger points are more common in the elderly because of prolonged postural issues. At the same time, people of any age who participate in strenuous activities that require them to bend frequently often experience pain due to trigger points.

Medical Conditions 

Certain medical conditions, such as fibromyalgia, myofascial pain syndrome, and chronic fatigue syndrome, are also associated with the formation of trigger points. 

Such conditions can cause chronic muscle pain and tension. When the muscles are exposed to tension, it can lead to the formation of small knots.

Trigger points can also form due to a combination of multiple factors, such as overuse of muscles and a medical condition. 

Has pain due to trigger points started affecting your lifestyle? Trigger point injection therapy can help alleviate the pain while working on treating the root cause! 

At Oak Brook Medical Group, we have a team of certified professionals that can help you with pain relief. We assess your condition and then use high-quality trigger point injections to help you achieve long-lasting results.

Fill out the book online form to schedule an appointment, or contact us for more information on trigger point injection treatment. 

What Is a Trigger Point Injection?

Trigger point injection treatment refers to injecting a local anesthetic or saline solution, which might include a corticosteroid, via a thin needle into the trigger point in order to help soothe myofascial pain. The solution is intended to relax the muscle fibers at the injection site, which can alleviate the referred pain and improve mobility.

When the solution is injected into trigger points, the following effects kick in to relieve pain and other symptoms caused by those tight muscle knots.

Analgesic Effect

The local anesthetic used in the solution can help block the pain signals that are generated by the trigger point, providing immediate pain relief.

Anti-Inflammatory Effect 

The corticosteroids present in these injections have anti-inflammatory properties that can help to reduce inflammation and swelling in the trigger point. This further improves mobility and reduces muscle pain.

It might take some time for the inflammation to decrease, so continue the treatment as advised by your chiropractor to experience lasting pain relief.

Muscle Relaxation 

Trigger point injections help the stressed muscles or muscles that are in spasm relax. It improves the blood flow in the area while increasing the recovery rate. 

Nerve Block 

You experience pain in the trigger points because of the nerve impulses. Trigger point injections contain a local anesthetic that blocks these nerve impulses, and it ultimately reduces muscle spasms so you experience relief from chronic pain.

✍️ Note:

TPI is not a cure for the underlying cause of trigger points, it is a treatment for the symptoms. Identifying and addressing the underlying cause is important for the long-term management of the trigger points. 

It’s also important to note that TPI is not appropriate for everyone, so book your appointment with a reliable chiropractor in Oak Brook and learn if you can benefit from trigger point injections

What Do Trigger Point Injections Treat?

Chiropractors and other medical professionals use trigger point injections for a wide range of applications with the aim of reducing muscle pain and tension. While most patients opt for TPIs to relieve back and neck pain, these injections also work to reduce pain caused by conditions that affect the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. 

Here are some medical conditions that trigger point injections can help treat:

✍️ Note:

The extent and duration of pain relief can largely vary from patient to patient and may also depend on the severity of the condition. To experience the full benefits of trigger point injections, you must get the treatment as advised by a medical professional.


Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain condition with symptoms similar to arthritis, except it affects the soft tissues and not the joints. While the exact cause of this medical condition is still unknown, there are several possible risk factors that can cause fibromyalgia. These include:

  • Infection
  • Family history of fibromyalgia
  • Psychological or physical trauma 
  • History of autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus 

Just like the possible causes of fibromyalgia, the symptoms also vary. You may experience frequent headaches, pain and stiffness throughout the body, digestive problems, difficulty concentrating, and more. 

In a study published on myofascial trigger points, researchers found that these knots result in fibromyalgia pain and increase the risk of developing fibromyalgia. 

Trigger point injections can help alleviate myofascial trigger points, therefore, reducing fibromyalgia pain and other symptoms.

Myofascial Pain Syndrome

Trigger point injections are effective for relieving symptoms of myofascial pain syndrome – a chronic pain condition that targets the muscles and surrounding tissues. 

Patients with myofascial pain syndrome usually have trigger points that stimulate a pain response, which might spread to other parts of the body. 

When a myofascial trigger point injection is administered, it can help reduce localized muscle pain by releasing stress from the affected muscles. Researchers also believe that these injections can interrupt the nerve signaling pathways so the patient gets relief from pain. 

There are many possible causes of myofascial pain syndrome, but it has been shown that trigger point injections can work well irrespective of the cause.

Chronic pain in specific parts of the muscles is the primary symptom of myofascial pain syndrome, but you might also experience:

  • Muscle weakness or stiffness
  • Limited range of motion 
  • Muscle knots that you can feel by touch

Tension Headaches

According to the American Migraine Foundation, trigger points in the neck, shoulders, and head can contribute to tension-type headaches and migraine. Furthermore, in 2016, a cross-sectional study helped researchers establish a relationship between myofascial trigger points and pressure pain sensitivity in patients with chronic or episodic tension headaches. 

When a medical professional injects a solution of local anesthesia and corticosteroid (trigger point injection), it helps relieve stress from the muscles with myofascial trigger points. Hence, reducing the pain cycle of a migraine. 

Other Conditions 

While trigger point injections have proven their effectiveness for the medical conditions explained above, they can also help treat other external conditions, including:

Muscle Strains 

A muscle strain occurs when a muscle is stretched or torn. It can be a result of overuse, injury, or prolonged poor posture. Trigger point injections can help relieve pain and improve the function of the affected muscles. 

Sports Injuries

Athletes are at a higher risk of developing trigger points due to the repetitive movements and high-impact nature of their sport. One example would be the movements when playing golf. Trigger point injections can help relieve stress from the muscles, thus reducing the pain and decreasing the possibility of developing these muscle knots in the future.

Frozen Shoulder

A frozen shoulder is a condition in which the shoulder joint becomes stiff and painful. It could be due to an injury, surgery, or other underlying medical condition. You can opt for trigger point injection treatment at Oak Brook Medical Group in combination with other treatments to fix your frozen shoulder. 

TMJ Disorder

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder affects the joints that connect the jaw to the skull. Trigger point injections can be helpful in alleviating temporomandibular joint pain so the face muscle feels adequately relaxed and the patient can chew and talk normally again. 

To get results from trigger point injection treatment, you must consult a certified medical professional. At Oak Brook Medical Group, our medical experts assess your condition to determine the trigger point location. 

We then create an individualized treatment plan based on your specific symptoms to ensure the treatment works well for you. Call us anytime at 630-317-7478 to learn more about TPI treatment in Oak Brook. 

What to Expect From a Trigger Point Injection Treatment at the Chiropractor?

Every individual is unique and so are their symptoms and reactions to TPI treatment. The benefits you can expect from a trigger point injection treatment can depend on several factors. For example, a patient with episodic migraines might experience the results sooner than a patient with chronic migraines. 

However, there are some common benefits that you can expect after following your TPI treatment plan. The results can vary depending on the expertise of chiropractors and how well they understand your medical condition as well.

Better Pain Relief

One of the primary goals of trigger point injections is to relieve pain caused by muscle tension and spasms. Many people experience a significant reduction in pain after just one or two injections. Again, it depends on the severity of the pain and the type of medical condition. (Watch this video on how trigger point injection helps break up any adhesions and aids in pain relief.)

Improved Mobility 

These small muscle knots, known as trigger points, can cause stiffness and a limited range of motion in the affected muscle. After treatment, you may notice an improvement in your ability to move the affected area, for example, a frozen shoulder or a locked jaw. 

Reduced Muscle Tension

The anesthetic and corticosteroid solution used in trigger point injections can help to relax the muscle and reduce muscle tension. After getting 2–3 shots of trigger point injections, you can expect improved muscle function and a decrease in the frequency of muscle twitching and spasms.

Reduced Inflammation

Research has shown that corticosteroids are effective in reducing inflammation. As trigger point injections include corticosteroids, they are also helpful in reducing inflammation in the affected area.

Less Frequent Headaches 

If you’re receiving trigger point injections to relieve tension headaches, you may experience a reduction in the frequency and severity of your headaches right away.

You can expect these effects of trigger point injections after administering several doses as recommended by the chiropractor. Also, the effect will last longer if you continue your TPI treatment and follow the exercises recommended by the experts. 

How Does the Process of Trigger Point Injection Work?

Trigger point injection treatment is minimally invasive and doesn’t require any downtime. You can continue your day-to-day activities even after receiving the shot, but make sure to follow the advice of your chiropractor. The trigger point injection procedure begins with initial consultation, followed by several other stages listed below.

Stage 1: Consultation

After you book an appointment with Oak Brook Medical Group, you’re given a date for a consultation. Our chiropractors begin by conducting a thorough examination and taking a medical history to determine if trigger point injections are an appropriate treatment for your condition.

They will also explain the entire process and answer your queries regarding treatment. 

Stage 2: Finding and Targeting the Trigger Points 

We use several techniques to find and target the trigger points affecting your comfort in order to ensure the injection is administered at the right location. Our skilled team members use palpation and local twitch response to locate the trigger point, which is an area of muscle that is tender to the touch and can cause pain in other parts of the body.

Stage 3: Injecting the Solution

Once the trigger point has been located, one of our specialists will use a thin needle to administer a small amount of anesthetic and/or corticosteroid medication to the trigger point. Depending on the areas with trigger points, we administer the amount of solution to help you get relief from pain and other symptoms.

Stage 4: Explaining Post-Treatment Exercises 

To maximize the benefits of trigger point injections, we will recommend some exercises and stretches to help improve flexibility and prevent future muscle tension. Our chiropractors teach you the exercises, and you can perform them in the comfort of your home.

Stage 5: A Follow-Up Visit is Scheduled 

Trigger points are stubborn and might require multiple shots, depending on the severity of the condition. After a treatment session, we will schedule a follow-up visit to evaluate the effectiveness of the TPI and discuss any further recommendations.

At Oak Brook Medical Group, we’ve streamlined the process of getting trigger point injection treatment. All you need to do is book your appointment and visit our facility for assessment and treatment. There is no downtime after the treatment, so you can return to your work. 

Want to know more about trigger point injections? Speak to our knowledgeable team and schedule an appointment today!

How to Prevent Trigger Points From Returning 

Just like any other medical condition, trigger points can return, and the previously affected areas are more prone to repeat. For example, let’s say you got trigger points due to a bad posture, but the treatment helped alleviate the symptoms. If you continue to have poor posture, small muscle knots can form in the same places again. 

Follow these tips to prevent trigger points from returning:

Incorporate Stretching and Exercising Into Your Lifestyle 

Regular stretching and exercise can help improve your flexibility and prevent muscle tension. This is especially important if you have a job or hobby that involves sitting for long periods or repetitive movements.

Maintain a Good Posture 

Maintaining good posture can help prevent muscle strain and tension. Be mindful of your posture throughout the day. Make sure to sit and stand in positions that put the least amount of stress on your muscles.

Seek Chiropractic Care 

Regular chiropractic adjustments and physical therapy can help to keep your muscles and joints in proper alignment and prevent muscle tension. Make sure to tell the chiropractor how the treatment has worked. Here are some tips for choosing the right chiropractor in Oak Brook.

Get Enough Sleep and Manage Your Stress Levels 

Sound sleep is important for overall health and can help prevent muscle tension that leads to trigger point formation. Additionally, you need to keep your stress levels low since stress is also responsible for muscle tension. Find healthy ways to manage stress, such as by practicing meditation, yoga, or other forms of exercise.

These strategies don’t help treat trigger points but can be effective in preventing repeats after you get trigger point therapy in the affected area. Consult your chiropractor about how you can prevent the muscle knots from forming again. You’ll be on your way to enjoying a pain-free life with better muscle mobility.

Get Rid of Trigger Points with TPI Treatment: Contact Oak Brook Medical Group 

Muscle knots happen and it’s common to experience pain in the affected area. However, you don’t have to just live with it! Trigger point injection treatment is highly effective for treating symptoms of trigger points and the medical conditions that cause them. 

The chiropractors at the Oak Brook Medical Group will assess your condition to determine the location and severity of muscle knots. We then create an individualized treatment plan that suits your unique needs and brings you long-term pain relief. 

Book your appointment online or call us at 630-317-7478 to learn more about trigger point injections.